Interactions among various countries and civilizations are supported by translation, of which quality squarely matters enormously to people’s judgment of another country. Translation of political terms plays a fundamental role in acquiring knowledge of another country’s political and social system and cultural background. China and America has a long history of communication. People of the two countries also historically become familiar with each other. The paper mainly focuses on the translation of American political terms in Chinese, and from the perspective of history, politics, cross-culture digs out historical and cultural traces underlying the translation of political terms. All that aim to justify the rationality of the translation of American political terms in Chinese. And thus it makes it clear that Sino-American interaction and mutual understanding is a historically-based process. It also sheds light on the proposition that Sino-American political culture has similarities, which yields possibilities of further deepening understanding and relationship of each other.
Key words: political terms, translation, history and culture, Sino-American interactions
1.1 Status quo of research of comparison in the matter of political system between China and America-3
1.2 Previous Researches of the Translation of Political Terms at Home and Abroad-3
1.3 Necessity of the research in Sino-American political terms-5
Chapter Three Case Studies—Chinese Translation of American Political Terms-7
3.1 Research Methodologies-7
3.2 Case Studies of the translation of Sino-American political terms-7
3.2.1Translation of the Full Name of America in Chinese-7
3.2.2Translation of Secretary of the State in Chinese-9
3.2.3 Translation of Federation in Chinese-10
3.2.4 Translation of the Political Terms “President” and “State” in Chinese-11
Chapter Four CONCLUSIONS-14