Abstract:Virginia Woolf is widely considered as the representative writer of feminist literature, and her works have been studied a lot at home and abroad. Under the guidance of the theoretical framework of feminism, this paper tries to explore the feminist views in Woolf’s two works, Mrs. Dalloway and A Room of One’s Own. According to this paper, in Mrs. Dalloway, the author emphasizes that women should be aware of their lower position, and should try to achieve true independence both economically and spiritually. It also points out that the fundamental reason for the subordinate position of women is patriarchy. Furthermore, in her essay A Room of One’s Own, the importance of women’s economic independence is elaborated on. Only by possessing their own property can women write their works freely. To achieve the equality between two men and women, women should be allowed to get the equal rights as men in education and occupation.
Key words: Virginia Woolf; Feminist Views; Mrs. Dalloway; A Room of One’s Own.
1. Introduction1
1.1 Introduction to Virginia Woolf
1.2 Introduction to Mrs. Dalloway and A Room of One’s Own
2. Literature Review and Theoretical Framework.7
2.1 Literature Review
2.2 Literature of Feminism Views
3. Features of Woolf’s Feminist Views in Mrs. Dalloway and A Room of One’s Own...9
3.1 Mrs. Dalloway: Female Angel in the Patriarchal Society
3.1.1 Clarissa: The Angel in the House
3.1.2 Women’s Living Conditions in Patriarchal Society
3.2 A Room of One’s Own: Women’s Language and Women’s Writing
3.3 Woolf’s Feminist Literary Criticism
4. Conclusion16
Bibliography .18