Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club, as an important representative of Chinese-American literature work, has been discussed widely. Of the various themes, cultural conflict and famine theme are the most rich-contented theme which can be excavated. In 1993 The Joy Luck Club was adapted into a film. This text thinks about and analyzes the reasons and effects of the changes arranged in the film. In the film adaption, the trend to cater to the values and interests of western audience are shown, such as emphasize the description of exoticness of oriental countries and the weakness and helplessness of oriental females. Meanwhile, as a feminine work, it is an essential trend that the feminine consciousness is waking and the male roles are silent. From the two perspectives of Orientalism and feminism, this text analyzes the change and adaption of The Joy Luck Club from a novel to a film. In the perspective of Orientalism, this text analyzes the film mainly from the two aspects: the image of China and the image of Chinese people; from the point of feminism, the awakening of female consciousness and the deliberate ignoring of male characters are mainly analyzed. After the analysis, one can cognize the film more comprehensively and know that it tries to transfer the most of the essence of the novel, but changes of certain purposes inevitably exist.
Key words: The Joy Luck Club film adaption Orientalism feminism
1 Orientalism in the Film Adaption-2
1.1 Image of Oriental Countries in the Film Adaption-3
1.2 Image of Oriental People in the Film Adaption-5
1.2.1Image of the Mothers-5
1.2.2Image of the Daughters-7
1.2.3Image of Oriental Males-8
2 Feminist Perspective in the Film Adaption-10
2.1 The Identity Construction of Ethnic Chinese-10
2.2 Female's Awareness and Consciousness for Gender Discrimination-11
2.3 Female Consciousness Waked in Conflict-12
2.4 The Deduction of the Male Performance-13