Abstract: The Book of Job is a very important part in the Old Testament of the Holy Bible. Numerous scholars at home and abroad have made researches and studies on this book from different perspectives. The research and study of this paper is an interpretation of the text itself, not from the level of religion. The book describes a righteous man named Job who goes through a series of sufferings. He lost his properties. Then he gets severe disease. His friends come to comfort him but they only make him feel worse by judging him as a sinner. At last, god shows himself to Job and blesses him again. Through interpretation of this book, this essay aims at analyzing the suffering that Job has and his belief. Analyzing the reason why Job suffers and the changes of his faith during the suffering, we can know something between suffering and belief.
Key words: suffering; belief; Job; the Book of Job
Chapter One Job’s Belief before Suffering-6
1.1 Perfection-6
1.2 Uprightness-7
1.3 Fearing God-7
1.4 Eschewing Evil-9
Chapter Two Changes of Job’s Belief Caused by his Suffering-9
2.1 Job’s Faithfulness at the Beginning of the Disaster-10
2.2 Changes of Job’s Faith in the three Cycles of Debate.-10
2.2.1 Eliphaz’s Theory and Job’s Change in Faith-11
2.2.2 Bildad’s Theory and Job’s Change in Faith.-12
2.2.3 Zophar’s Theory and Job’s Change in Faith-12
2.3 Change in Faith Caused by Change in Fate-13
Chapter Three Job’s Blessing-14
3.1 God and Job’s Suffering-14
3.2Job’s Blessing from God after the Test-15
Chapter Four Viewpoint of Suffering-16
4.1 God’s Omnipotence and Suffering-16
4.2 God’s Goodness and Suffering-17
4.3 The Fall of Man and Suffering-17
5.4 The Value of Suffering-18