The movie, Crash, is a reflection of social issues in America. And it is a profound analysis of the relationship among people of different races in America society. The film consists of many clues and the connections of characters are extremely complicated. With the use of multi-perspective, Crash is managed to show an all-around and detailed picture of American Racism. However, American Racism is really complicated and has a quite long history, so this passage will make a brief analysis of America Racism based on some of the plots in the movie, mainly concentrating on the origins, history, and the status quo as well. The film revolves around several African Americans, Persian Americans, Asian Americans, and Mexican Americans. So in the Status Quo, all the races above will be involved. While African Americans is the main ethnic minority, and the Racism in them is much more serious, so this passage will stress on African Americans in some aspects.
Key words: film studies Racism Superiority America society
1.1 The Plot of Crash-1
1.2 The Significance of Crash-2
2.-The Origin of Racism in America-2
2.1-The Cultural Origin-2
2.1.1 The Racial Superiority-2
2.1.2 The Sense of Mission-4
2.2-The Remain of Negro Slavery-6
3-The Status Quo of American Racial Problem-7
3.1-The General Status of Minorities-7
3.2 Three Main Inequalities-8
3.2.1-The Segregation in Living-8
3.2.2- Differences in Education-10
3.2.3- Differences in employment-13