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  • 更新时间:2017-10-11
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Abstract: Metaphor has been taken as a part of the speech by the scholars for a long time and the studies on metaphors could be traced back to over 2000 years ago. Instead of just being a rhetorical part in the language, metaphors have influenced the thinking habit of people a lot. It is the metaphor thinking method that has endowed people with the capacity to know another new object by connecting it with something they have already known. Many linguists abroad have concentrated their studies on the connection between cognition and metaphors, including love metaphors. However, studies at home on this topic are quite limited. This paper has taken love metaphors as specific cases so that the paper could build up deeper understandings of the cognition pattern behind the metaphors and it would also improve people’s understanding on English poems and culture. 

Key Words: Poem, Cognitive Linguistics, Metaphor, Conceptual Metaphor






2.Literature Review-4

2.1An Introduction of Metaphor-4

2.2Traditional View of Metaphor-4

2.3Metaphor Study of English Poems-6

3.Theoretical Basis-7

3.1Cognitive Linguistic Approach to Metaphor-7

3.2Conceptual Metaphor-8

4.Study of Love Metaphor in English Poems-10

4.1An Introduction of the English Poems-10

4.2Conceptual Metaphor about Love in English Poems-10

4.3Classification of the Love Metaphors-13


