Abstract: Uncle Tom’s cabin is Harriet Beecher Stowe’s representative novel. This novel has great influence on the abolition of slavery. However, readers can find out its utopian thoughts after analyzing it carefully. This paper is going to give a utopian interpretation of Uncle Tom’s Cabin. After a definition of Utopianism and an introduction of Mrs. Stowe and her work, three aspects of the novel will be discussed in this paper. The first will be an analysis of Mrs. Stowe’s utopian thoughts in the fate of the slave runaways. Then, the utopian thoughts reflected in the changes of the slave persecutors will be analyzed. Finally, utopian ideals shining in the main characters’ Christian thoughts will be analyzed.
Chapter One Utopian Thoughts in the Fate of the Slave Runaways-2
1.1 Eliza’s Escape with Her Son-2
1.1.1 Fleeing across the River-2
1.1.2 The kind Birds’ family-3
1.2 George Harris’ Family in the Quaker Settlement-3
1.3 Cassy’s Escape with Emmeline-4
1.4 The Reunion-4
Chapter Two Utopian Thoughts in the Changes of the Slave Persecutors-5
2.1 Tom Locker’s Change-5
2.2 Two Converts: Sambo and Quimbo-6
Chapter Three Utopian Thoughts Reflected in Christian Love-7
3.1 Eva, the Angel-7
3.1.1 Eva and Topsy-7
3.1.2 Eva’s Death-8
3.2 Tom, the Martyr-9
3.2.1 Tom’s Piety to God-10
3.2.2 The Difference between Tom and George Harris-10