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  • 论文格式:Word格式(*.doc)
  • 更新时间:2017-10-11
  • 论文字数:5979
  • 课题出处:(梦溪)提供原创资料
  • 资料包括:完整论文


Abstract:In China, many students learn English as a second language. They begin to learn English when they have a good command of the mother tongue. So, the mother tongue will have some effects on the new language system. The English and Chinese have differences in many aspects. For example, the phonetic, grammar, culture and so on.  

     To some degree, the difference will also make great effects on the English learning. This paper will explain the positive and negative influence of the mother tongue to English learning and help students better understand English.

Key words: mother language transfer, English learning,positive and negative







1.1-The Differences between Our Mother Tongue and English-1

1.2-The language transfer-3

2 The positive influence of mother tongue on English learning-4

2.1 The two languages can help each other due to the similar points-4

2.2 Mother tongue can rouse interests in learning English-6

2.3 Mother tongue can make students better understand the English writing and reading-6

3 The negative influence of mother tongue on English learning-7

3.1 The influence on phonetics-7

3.2 The influence on grammar-8

3.3 The influence on culture understanding-10

4 Making good use of the influence in learning-12

4.1 Ensure enough target language to input and output-12

4.2-Learning English by contrast-13

4.3 Learning the complex part of English with Chinese explaining-14

4.4-Learning about more foreign culture-14




