Abstract: The Bible, as the Christian most important work, is the treasure of western religious culture, thus the biblical elements appearing in the film art has become a trend of the film creation. In many Oscar classic films, biblical elements become the best line of the film, such as : Forrest Gump, The green mile, The Shawshank Redemption and so on. The influence given by the biblical elements on movie’s theme can be divided into two aspects. The first is the influence given by the content of the bible the second is the influence given by the spirit advocated by the bible, such as mercy, love salvation and so on. Generally speaking, there are three types of biblical-theme movies, first type is from the stories of bible; for the second one, the director do some processing and recreation on the movie; as for the third type, the movie contains biblical elements although the story is different from bible story. This paper aims to analyze the influence given by biblical elements on movie’s theme. Combining with the Oscar classic movies to analyze makes more people know the biblical-theme movies.
Key words: bible; the biblical theme; Oscar movies
Chapter One A Brief Introduction of Christianity, the Bible and the Movie Art-2
Chapter Two The Biblical Influence on the Themes of Oscar Movies-5
2.1 The Influence of the Content of the Bible on the Themes of Oscar Movies -5
2.2 The Influence of the Spirit of the Bible on the Themes of Oscar Movies-7
2.2.1: The Biblical Theme of Sin and Salvation
2.2.2: The Biblical Theme of Mercy, Forgiveness and Love
Chapter Three Three Types of Biblical-Theme Movies-12
Bibliography- 14