研究发现特朗普在演讲中喜欢使用通俗易懂的词汇,例如,“非常”,“伟大”等。这些词汇简单易懂,可以帮助他更清楚地表达观点。同时,他也非常热衷于使用一些较为夸大的极端词汇,例如,“愚蠢”,“傻子”等。这些生动的词汇往往能给听众留下深刻的印象。除此之外,“我们”与“你”也常常出现在他的演讲中, 可以有效地随时拉近他与听众之间的关系,有时又可以适当区分互相之间的关系。他同样频繁地在句子中使用被动语态与名词化结构,这样可以使他在演讲中突出重点以达到政治目的。另外,在演讲中遵从方式与质量原则也使他的演讲更具说服力,更为易懂、合理。
Table of Contents
1 Introduction-1
1.1 Research Background-1
1.2 Significance of the Research-2
1.3 Purpose of the Research-2
1.4 Layout of the Thesis-2
2 Literature Review-3
2.1 Definitions-3
2.1.1 Cooperative Principle-3
2.1.2 Politeness Principle-4
2.1.3 Speech Act Theory-5
2.2 Theoretical Foundation-7
2.2.1 Pragmatic Principles-7
2.2.2 Pragmatic Strategies-7
2.3 Previous Studies at Home and Abroad-8
2.3.1 Studies Related to Pragmatic Strategies-8
2.3.2 Studies of Trump’s Inaugural Address-11
3. Research Methodology-11
3.1 Research Questions-12
3.2 Data Collection-12
3.3 Instruments-12
4. Research Findings and Analysis-13
4.1 Pragmatic Strategies at the Level of Lexeme-13
4.1.1 Use of We and You-13
4.1.2 Use of Simple Words-14
4.2 Pragmatic Strategies at the Level of Sentence-15
4.2.1 Passive Sentence-15
4.2.2 Nominalization-15
4.3 Pragmatic Strategies at the Level of Discourse-16
4.3.1 Observance of the Maxim of Manner-16
4.3.2 Observance of the Maxim of Quality-16
4.4 Pragmatic Function-17
4.4.1 Earning the Audience’s Trust-17
4.4.2 Emphasizing the Theme-17
4.5 Summary-18
5 Conclusion-18
5.1 Major Research Findings-18
5.2 Limitations-19
5.3 Suggestions for Further Research-19