Abstract:Image segmentation is the first step in image analysis and an important part in image understanding. It has wide application of almost all areas of image processing. So Image segmentation has been highly treated .It is important to do research on it.
For a long time, many researchers have done a lot of work and have proposed many useful segmentation algorithms. With the wide application of statistical theory, neural network and wavelet theory in image segmentation, novel methods and ideas such as genetic algorithm, scale space and non-Linear diffusion equation are constantly being used to solve the segmentation problem, and many scholars have suggested various practical and effective methods for specific applications.
In this thesis, several current mainstream algorithms are studied, and a new segmentation algorithm—watershed segmentation method is mainly studied and simulated.
KEY WORDS:Segmentation edge method threshold watershed segmentation regional method
图像分割的应用非常广泛,几乎出现在有关图像处理的所有领域,并涉及各种类型的图像。 图像分割在工业自动化、在线产品检验、生产程控、文件图像处理、遥感图像、保安监视、以及军事、体育、农业工程等方面都有广泛的应用。比如医院通过X光拍片给病人诊断时,需要将病人铁定的器官分割出来,让医生来进行诊断;电子交警的监视过往车辆时要记录下违规的车辆需要将拍到的车辆的车牌号分辨出来从而获得此车主的信息。在各种图像应用中,只要需要对图像目标进行提取、测量等就都离不开图像分割。图像分割的结果将直接影响后续的任务,因此图像分割技术在人类生产生活中都存在的十分重要的意义。