本文力求可以为试卷生成系统的开发设计找到一种切实可行的解决方案,在分析了目前国内外试卷生成系统的现状的基础上,并经过反复摸索和学习研究后,借助编程语言JAVA和MY SQL数据库最终实现了操作系统试卷自动生成系统的开发,并在一系列测试后,达成了人性化、所需功能完善、操作清晰的设计目标。
关键词 JAVA;试卷生成系统; MySQL
Abstract:Examnation is an important part of the whole teaching process, it is an evaluation for the students to learn the knowledge and to develop their ability,but also one of the educational measruements that measure the effectiveness of teaching.It is an integral part of the education modernization.Papers in scientific and efficient generation model will play an important role in improving work efficiency,enhancing the scientific and rational of the examination,promoting construction and reform,improving the equality of teaching.Based on these,according to the school characteristics and the actual situation of my college school,the use of computer paper manual ,automatic generation,paperless office,will become more convenient for the management of examination papers.
The thesis analyzes and describes the process of designing and developing examination paper generated System. In terms of the actual steps of developing the system, it elaborates on the four chapters of system overview, system analysis, system design and system implementation respectively. The system overview is the main development of a subject background, subject significance and existing condition analysis. The chapter system analysis includes needs analysis, operation flow analysis, data flow analysis and data dictionary analysis in advance. And the chapter system design deeply shows the every process of the system architecture, each functional module and database structure design. In addition, there are a lot of detailed words with diagram in the system design chapter. The thesis also illustrates the implementation code of key functional modules.
The thesis tries to find a workable plan on developing a set of examination paper generated After analyzing the current situation of domestic or foreign Bike Share System and studying some professional information, I finished examination paper generated System with JAVA and Microsoft SQL Server 2005 database. Fortunately, after a series of testing, it accomplished the goal of human-based, comprehensive and operating simply.
Keywords JAVA MySQL Examination paper generated