本系统基于J2EE平台开发,运用struts2框架技术,采用JSP技术实现动态网页,开发工具为MyEclipse,后台数据库采用SQL Server 2005。
关键词 酒店管理系统;J2EE;SQL Server2005
Abstract:Holiday hotels are usually chain organizations, which have a lot of distribution points , many services and the large amount of information , various management content even complicated Using networks and information technology to develop a management system for holiday hotels can effectively improve working efficiency, reduce costs , improve service quality and management .Under this background, it is necessary to develop a management information system for the Zhengtong Holiday Hotel. The topic develops a management and information system for ZhongTong holiday hotel.
This system is developed for implementing functions, such as the management of user information, room information, and the consumption, the management of reservation and unsubscribe , and the management of checking in and out, etc.
This system is developed based on the J2EE platform, adopting Struts framework and JSP to design dynamic web pages , using MyEclipse as a development tools and SQL Server 2005 as a database system.
Keywords Hotel Management System J2EE SQL Server2005
第1章 绪论,主要介绍系统开发的背景及意义,以及论文的主要内容。
第2章 相关技术及开发平台,介绍了B/S结构、Struts框架、Hibernate、J2EE开发平台、JSP技术、SQL Server2005数据库、Tomcat服务器、系统开发及运行环境。
第3章 系统总体设计,介绍了需求分析,包括功能模块设计以及数据库的设计。
第4章 系统详细设计与实现,介绍了系统各模块的功能和实现方法。
第5章 系统测试,介绍了系统测试方法和测试内容。