本系统是以JAVA作为主要开发语言开发,以SQL SERVER 2005作为数据库管理系统,利用SSH搭建了后台管理框架。实现了前台用户浏览、搜索与留言,后台管理员对服装信息的分类管理、保存、发布与删除功能,还实现了用户的添加、删除、用户权限的设置等功能。本系统具有界面美观、友好,信息查询灵活、方便,数据存储准确、安全可靠等特点。
关键词 网络服装销售;JAVA;SSH
Abstract:Nowadays, with the rapid development of the network, online shopping has become one of the important ways of people’s consumption. The apperance of various of products online leads to a phenomenon that a large amount of various kinds of stores occur online every day, such as network clothing shops, online shop stores and so on. It is important to develop a Clothing Saling System on the Internet based on B/S mode because of the above reasons.
In the development of the system, JAVA is used as the main development language and SQL SERVER 2005 is used as the database management system. As the same time, applying SSH to construct the framework of the background management is in the system.This system implements some functions for the front-desk users, such as browsing, searching and leaving messages, and some functions for background managers, such as classifying, storaging, releasing and removing of the clothing information. In order to more people can use this system, it’s necessary to achieve some functions, such as adding users, deleting users and setting users’s permissions. This system has many advantages, such as the beautiful and friendly interface, the convenient of querying information, the security of storing data information and the reliability of the system.
Keywords Clothing Saling System On The Internet JAVA SSH