本在线物流管理系统使用B/S模式+MVC Model-2结构+ SQL Server 2008数据库开发,具有安全、方便、稳定、易维护等特点。在线物流管理系统的设计遵循了软件工程的思想,从系统需求分析、概要设计、详细设计到具体的编码实现、功能测试都严格执行。本文是在总结对系统的需求分析基础上,提出了系统的总体设计计划、系统总体架构和功能模块的设计。
关键词 在线物流管理系统;MVC Model-2;SQL Server2008;B/S模式
Abstract:What dose the rapid development of economic globalization depend on? The answer is the developed transportation and the increasingly efficient logistic system undoubtedly.
And what dose the rapid development of information globalization depend on? It is the development and popularization of network and computer.
Along with the development of transportation, enterprises of logistics cover a more and more wide area, and the routes of goods transportation can also be extended further than before, time for goods transporting will also increase at the same time. Therefore, the timeliness and safety of goods during transportation have become a problem the shippers concern.
Emerging as required, online logistics management system provides a network information exchange platform for small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises and enterprises of logistics, which can manage goods circulation status and other relevant projects timely in a more effective and more accurate way. The information can be gained clearly as long as people log in the system and input the order number even if they stay indoor. This system can not only help small and medium enterprises to master the real-time state on goods circulation, but also help the logistic enterprises to improve service quality and to increase the volume of business. Besides, the system let the users of the platform can obtain certain income from it. All of the above make the system perfect in three ways.
B/S model +MVC Model-2 structure +SQL Server 2008 database development give this online logistics management system the advantages of safety, convenience, stability and easy maintenance etc. The design of online logistics management system followed the thought of software engineering so that the system requirements analysis, outline designing, detailed designing , specific code realization and functional testing are all strictly carried out. This thesis proposed the overall plan of the designing , the whole structure of the system and design of the functional module, based on the conclusion of the system demanding analysis.
Keywords:online logistics management system MVC Model-2 SQL Server2008 B/S model