摘要:随着计算机技术的飞速发展,学校也已进入信息化时代。为了使学考试管理更高效、更科学,决定开发基于JAVA EE的驾照在线考试系统。
本系统在设计方面采用B/S模式,同时使用JSP技术进行基本页面的设计与功能实现,后台数据库选用SQL Server 2008数据库。驾照在线考试系统有管理员、考生两种用户。管理员可以修改管理员、考生用户的信息。管理员用户根据所得权限对题库进行增加、修改、删除,并可对试卷进行增加、删除、修改,还查看学生成绩等操作。考生用户则可以进行在线测试、查询成绩等操作。本系统可以进行随机抽题,自动批改答案,大大提高了考试的效率,减轻了驾校开支。
关键词 JSP;SQL Server2008;J2EE;驾照在线考试系统
Abstract:With the rapid development of computer technology, the school has entered the information age. Science test administration to make more efficient, more science, decided to develop JAVA EE based online examination system.
The system used in the design of B / S mode, JSP technology, the basic page design and implementation of function, use SQL Server 2000 database for background database.Driving license online examination system includes two kinds of users, administrator and examinee. The administrator can modify the administrator, the examinee user information. Administrator users according to the authority to increase, modify, delete the database, and can add, delete, modify the papers, also check student achievement and other operations. The examinee users can online test, query results and other operations. This system can be a random question, automatic correction of the answer, greatly improve the efficiency of the examination, reduce the driving expenses.
Design and implementation of this system for the online exam system to run as a foundation for the online examination system to provide a good condition.
Keywords JSP SQL Server2008 J2EE Driving Lisence examination system JavaBean exam -online