关键词 娱乐;Xcode;Objictive-C
Abstract:With the continuous development of technology, mobile intelligent terminal gradually comes into the sight of people,and related applications become more and more widely and play an important role in people's daily life. Besides, People’s demand for mobile applications is increasing gradually.
Therefore, the key application development have a great impact on the popularity of mobile intelligent terminal.To design and develop applications have great significance and good market prospects.
In order to let everyone have more fun in their spare time, especially for people who have an iphone, I used the Xcode platform provided by Apple and the Objective-C language design a entertainment software named “I Say You Laugh”. This software features login, register, recording process and upload, text editing and upload, make comments about the recordings or jokes on the main interface and other operations.
It has a concise interactive interface but not simple and it is easy for people to operate.
Keywords entertainment Xcode Objective-C