本系统采用ASP.NET技术作为创建应用程序的工具,以C#作为编程语言,采用SQL Server 2000数据库作为后台数据库。整个系统服务于普通管理员和超级管理员这两类不同的用户。
Abstract:With the development of information technology, the industry has become a passenger ticket information is highly dependent on the industry. The rapid development of information technology not only make passenger ticket workers from onerous gradually manual labor, improve work efficiency, and push passenger to modern management career marching forward. Modern passenger ticket also should have modern management system. The increasingly advanced in science and technology, and today people of the tourism travel more attention. Therefore, the passenger ticket for modern management becomes especially important.
However, as the airport traffic soared artificially management station has the more complicated the operation, leading to the station staff based on web is more and more big, the workload of the passenger ticket system is developed to the above problems.
The system USES the asp.net technology as create applications tools to c # as programming language, using SQL Server 2000 database as backend database. The whole system services in ordinary administrator and super administrator this two kinds of different users.
In addition, this system has friendly interface, simple operation, easy to use of advantages, its development solves the station due to increased brought the passenger ticket trouble of difficulty, also improves the efficiency of the passenger ticket sales management.
This paper according to the software engineering, at the request of the requirement analysis, system design, code, and test overall. Brief introduction to the background and significance of the topic, and emphatically expounds the design of the system implementation process and the system database design implementation.
Key word: ticket management;Operation management;Ticket reservation;Ticket sales