本网站主要采用IIS服务器 + ASP.NET开发语言+SQL SERVER 数据库实现,由前端应用层、中间信息处理层和底层数据访问层三个层次构成。其中应用层面向用户提供一种互动式的服务,信息处理层是后台非公开的应用系统,而数据访问层支持对核心数据库的访问、查询、数据分析、提取、数据资料校验等内容。系统功能包括用户注册、用户信息维护、管理员管理、订单查询、库存查询、商品信息管理、购物车管理、客户服务管理等。
关键词:商品信息;信息搜索;ASP.NET;SQL SERVER 2000 ;客服管理
Abstract:Information accelerated economic globalization, the profound human production and life style changes. In the information and the tide of economic globalization, e-commerce in an efficient, fast, convenient advantages to new business ideas, business methods, business environment of economic globalization and a major global information technology applications. In this era of e-commerce is no longer a business or an industry development goals, but the world must face, it has gradually become evaluate a country's economic strength, measuring a country's international status of the important indicators. After several years of development of Chinese e-commerce has made considerable progress, and permeated all levels of the economy. Online purchase quickly accepted by people, making online sales platform more and more mature, and went to the era of tips. Because of this, online sales platform becomes more and more intense. So in online marketing should be invincible, must try to attract more customers, make customer because of your service and improve sales platform attention to this. bring great results to the company.
This site developed using IIS server + ASP.NET + SQL SERVER database implementation language, by the front-end application layer, middle layer and the underlying information processing data access layer three levels. Application level, which provides users with an interactive service, information processing layer is the background of non-public applications, and data access layer to support the core database access, query, data analysis, extraction, data validation, and more. System functions include registration, user management, system management, order processing, data collection, product management, information search, shopping car And customer service management.
Keywords:Commodity Information; Information Search;ASP.NET;SQL SERVER 2000;Customer Service Management