关键词: 社会网络,信任,信誉,抗攻击,时间权
Abstract:The rapid development of e-commerce, bringing convenience to people, gradually reflects many problems, such as the weak sense of responsibility and the lack of credit. Traditional information security technology can be effective against viruses, Trojans and other network attacks, but it can’t solve the problems of credit during the transactions. Currently the third party trading platform such as TAOBAO, Amazon and so on can’t really reflect the trust between buyers and sellers when it is attacked by fraud. In this paper, we have made a deep analysis of the current model of reputation and trust, especially the studies of the model’s anti-attack capability and effectiveness for a given period of time. We proposed a social network based, anti-attack, aging reputation and trust model. The main research work is as follows:
Two-dimensional cluster filtering is used to get rid of cheating data. Reputation model is established by the rating after the transaction of transaction nodes. Trust model is established by the relationship of trust transformation. Correcting parameter is introduced to obtain objective reputation value and subjective trust value. Time weight parameter is introduced to make reputation value and trust value effective during a period of time, which would give dealers helps for decision.
Several rounds of experiments show that the model can correctly and objectively reflect the trading behavior and the degree of trust between transaction nodes, and has a good resistant ability on mistaking recommendation attack, traitor attack and joint attack.
Keywords:social network , trust, reputation, attack resistant, time weight