本文最终的实现在Windows平台下,利用Visual Studio 2008和OpenCV库实现。
Abstract:With the development of theory and technology of artificial intelligence, technologies in computer vision had made considerable progress these years, and were widely applied in the fields of homeland security、video surveillance and medical health. Being an important part of computer vision, the theory and technology of human face detection and recognition had draw great attention in academia world.
This paper studies and implements the face detection algorithm AdaBoost and face recognition algorithm based on eigenface. Considering the cascade property of AdaBoost algorithm, this paper improves the AdaBoost with a human face classification algorithm based on gradient orientation pyramid and support vector machine. Also an algorithm of image segmentation based on skin color model is introduced to locate the human face accurately. Experiments were carried out on the test set consists of ID-card、Feret database and images from the internet. Experimental results show that both the detection method and recognition method achieve good results on the frontal face images, but less robust on the images of face with apparent rotation and tilt. At last this paper puts forward the future work.
The implementation and experiment were developed with Visual Studio 2008 on Windows, and OpenCV library were used.
Keywords: Face Detection; Face Recognition; AdaBoost; Gradient Orientation Pyramid; Support Vector Machine; Eigenface