Abstract:Robot is widely used as a highly flexible automated machine. Obstacle avoidance and motion planning are important areas of wheeled robot researching.
The hardware system and software system of AS-RMⅡrobot are discussed firstly, including the sensor system and device programming controlling method. Then approach of obstacle avoidance based on PSD sensors around is discussed, the sensors can real-time get the message of environment and then choose the motion strategy. Thread is introduced to finish the work of obstacle avoidance independently and completely, achieved the intended target. Motion planning based on genetic algorithm is also discussed. Individual coding programming and details of basic genetic operators are improved and insert algorithm is introduced to make the path continuously and have no barriers. The whole process of motion planning still consists of individuals initialization, calculating the fitness, selection operator, crossover operator and mutation operator.
A possible program of obstacle avoidance and motion planning is integrated based on the class library of AS-RMⅡ wheeled robot. The target is achieved by the programming. Computer simulations show the algorithm is a correct and efficient motion planning method.
Key words: wheeled robot, obstacle avoidance, motion planning