本文首先对TSP 问题进行了概述;接着介绍了遗传算法的基本原理、遗传算法的特点,遗传算法的发展方向和它的主要应用领域;最后论述了遗传算法在TSP问题上的编码表示和遗传算子(选择算子,交叉算子,变异算子)等应用情况。
关键字:遗传算法; 旅行商问题; 选择算子; 交叉算子; 变异算子
Abstract:TSP is a typical problem in the field of combinatorial optimization problems and it has been researched for hundreds of years. TSP is a kind of typical NP-complete problem, and genetic algorithm is a more desirable method to solve NP problems.
Developing on natural selection and evolutionary of biological mechanisms, genetic algorithm is a highly parallel, randomized and adaptive search algorithm. Formed in recent years around the world, boom of evolutionary computation and computational intelligence have become one of the major directions of artificial intelligence research, as well as the subsequent rise of artificial life research, that genetic algorithms is concerned broad.
Paper first describes the problem of TSP, and then paper introduces the characteristics, development direction and major applications of basic genetic algorithms; At last, paper discusses the TSP problem of genetic algorithms and genetic coding that operator (including the selection operator, crossover operator, mutation operator of these three operators) and other aspects of the application.
Keywords:Genetic Algorithm;Traveling Salesman Problem;Reproduction Operator;Genetic Operator;Mutation Operator