本文具体介绍使用ASP.NET实现前台操作界面设计,用SQL Server设计后台数据库结构,利用ADO.NET数据库访问技术实现对数据库的各种操作以及管理,从而实现社区网站的基本功能。网站使用BBS做基本模板,本文主要分析了社区网站的组成情况,包括设计目标,框架结构,数据流程和社区网站的主要特点等。重点介绍前台功能模块的详细思路实现方法和控件的选择,以及后台数据库的关键技术运用和部分代码的说明。
Abstract:With the popularity of the network, people can conveniently exchange information on the Internet, sale goods, do some things and all these things are done in real life. So developing a number of sites which are dedicated to provide a stable platform for the exchange between users is important. The final shape and function of these sites reflect the real community life. The website just like the district in real life such as letting a large number of Internet users "check in ", providing them with a similar community service, enabling them to share information and discuss topics. As a networking platform for the usersthe community site help people to enjoy themselves after work.
This article describes the specific implementation using the ASP.NET. Through the design with SQL Server database structure and database access using ADO.NET database technology the basic functions of community sites are achieved. Using BBS as the basic template, this paper analyzes the composition of the community website, including design objectives, frame structure, data flow and the main characteristics of community sites. Front desk function module focuses on the detailed implementation and control. The background database and parts of the key instructions are introduced at last .