关键词:网络安全 监听工具 IP数据包 VC++
Abstract:This paper describes the current status of network security, flaw, threats, put forward the corresponding preventive measures, and describes the common network protocols. Then introduced the princIPle of monitoring, and the most widely used monitoring tool sniffer is introduced. Based on the current network threats are coming from a lot of loopholes in their computer and they are not able to clearly detect whether your computer is being violated, while a firewall can help, but it can not be displayed to all low-level stuff. This paper is a study of local area network packet monitoring and analysis. The main tool in this monitoring and analysis of IP data packets, and pass the form clearly displayed. It allows people to access their computer at all times observe the data packets, and data exchange can be observed when the other's IP address and port number of the open, timely information clarified, prevention and monitoring ports to prevent hackers.
Key words: network security monitor tool IP data pack VC++