关键字: 分布式结对编程 语音交流 语音编程
Abstract:Pair programming is a method of agile development and improves development efficiency and accuracy of code by pair programming. When the pairers are geographically in the same place, they can work simultaneously on the same computer. But when the two people involved in pair programming are not in the same place geographically, they need a distributed pair programming environment. First of distributed pair programming is the need to address the exchange of opinions between the pairers. Expression through text communication couldn’t be clear. But if by voice, they can immediately communicate accurately and improve the efficiency of development of software. This is the purpose of the project development to address the distributed pair programming, voice communication.
This paper gives the background of pair programming and distributed pair programming. Also it gives the introduction of the requirement analysis, user cases and classes by UML. Finally the implementation of the features and part of the code are prsented in the paper.
Keywords: distributed pair programming, voice commuinication, voice programming