本系统前台页面主要使用JSP作为开发语言。后台使用Sql Server2005作为数据库管理系统,开发环境是MyEclipse8.5,服务器采用Tomcat6.0,开发出的一个基于Web技术的B/S结构的网上书店销售系统。
关键词 电子商务;网上书店;订单管理;数据库;MyEclipse
Abstract: Electronic Commerce is the use of computer technology and Internet communication technology for commercial and trading activities. Online bookstore is a new book of electronic commerce and book sales together, greatly improving the speed and convenience of consumers to purchase books.
Front page of the system uses JSP as a development language. The backstage use SQL Server2005 as database management system, the development environment is MyEclipse8.5, the server uses Tomcat6.0, online bookstore sales system is developed based on B/S structure by Web technology.
This paper analyzes the online bookstore on the basis of demand, it design and implement online bookstore sales system. The system includes the administrator management, user management, books management, books management, order management, bulletin management, feedback management features and so on. It meets the basic needs of the online bookstore, solves the problems of low efficiency of the traditional bookstore, inconvenient operation and poor interaction ability.
Keywords Electronic Commerce Online bookstore Ooder manage MyEclipse