摘 要:随着城市的发展,各种各样的问题也随之滋生,产生这些问题的根源就是人本身,城市中人们的各种行为左右着城市的发展方向,如何主导城市的发展的重要一点就是掌握城市中人的人口分布特征,了解了城市的人口分布特征就能更好地了解这座城市,掌握城市的发展动向,本文做的就是结合数据和图形对北京地区常住人口分布特征进行分析,对北京城区人口分布特征进行介绍,解析人口特征,制作相关专题地图,分析北京现在人口分布中的问题。
关键词:北京地区常住人口分布特征 介绍 专题地图
Abstract:With the development of the city, a variety of problems breeding to produce root of these problems is the behavior of a variety of people in the city about the direction of development of the city, leading the development of the city, the important point is to graspdistribution of the population of the city human characteristics to understand the characteristics of the distribution of the population of the city will be able to know the city better grasp the development trend of the city, this article is a combination of data and graphics of the resident population in the Beijing region distribution characteristicsanalysis of the the Beijing urban population distribution characteristics introduced to resolve the demographic characteristics, the production of related thematic maps, to analyze the problem of population distribution.
Keywords: reasons and process of the Beijing resident population distribution characteristics thematic maps suggested.