ABSTRACT:With the popularization of network , the Disabled Persons Federation website have been established to help the disabled people, social support is growing for them, Wuhan Disabled Persons Federation website just provided a good platform for helping the disabled to find a job. Because of the Wuhan Disabled Persons Federation website has some disadvantages, such as news classification cannot meet the current needs of users, the search functions in the network station are not perfect, low security, so the Wuhan CDPF website revision is a pressing matter at the moment.
Though the survey to needs of Wuhan Disabled Persons Federation website , the author decided to design and develop Wuhan Disabled Persons Federation website which based on the PHP . The site mainly divides into two parts,the onstage and backstage , the site is mainly based on propaganda, in order to release the Federation of the handicapped' job news, special reports, activity information of helping the disabled , recruitment information and other functions as the core; the backstage management is to achieve the main administrator management, news category management,news releases, news management, onstage user application, etc.
This website uses PHP programming language, MySQL database, Apache server development environment, and the phpMyAdmin MySQL database is also used for visualization operation, to achieve a perfect functioning of the Disabled Persons Federation website.
The thesis is divided into six chapters : the first chapter discusses the research significance, objective, condition and method of analysis; the second one researchs website development feasibility and demand; the third chapter mainly introduces the web development process of the related technologies;the fourth chapter in detail introduced the website structure and database design; the fifth chapter introduces the web portion of the module design and Realization of website; the sixth chapter introduces the test and maintenance.
Key words : Wuhan Disabled Persons Federation website;PHP;MySQL Database