关键词:网上购物; B/S模式; PHP; MYSQL
Abstract:It was designed shop online system in this paper.The thesis has firstly introduced the practical situation and the developing background of the system. And then it has described the designing goal,system need and the whole designing plan, has described the process of the detailed design and reality of the system in detail. Finally, this thesis has been drawn about the system and summarized.
The system has mainly provided users with the following functions: membership registration、shopping cart management、goods search、information modify etc. It has also provided managers with goods management、news management and so on. It has been designed with B/S mode of three-tier structure, JSP technology in dynamic page design. Considering from the security and reusing code of the system, key codes has been secured by PHP technology. MYSQL database has been used as the background database.
Key Words :Shop online; B/S Mode; PHP; MYSQL