关键词: 网络学堂 人机交互 人际交互 辅助教学
Abstract:With the deepening of the research on the platform of network school, many scholars and experts have said, interaction design is a key factor to determine network teaching. This paper mainly discusses the human-computer interaction and human interaction network school in the platform-assisted teaching and learning environment. We will analyze the design of interaction platform, discuss the human-computer and human interaction strategy through the understanding of network application status of secondary school teaching function in College.
Based on the《University Computer Basic》Course in the BlackBoard Web-based School of Beijing Union University as the basic research environment, we take network Schools in the human-computer and human interaction as the research object, using the literature research methods and research and development methods to the existing network school platform man-machine, man-machine interact more in-depth study, to use the partial refresh asynchronous submitted (AJAX technology), the three most platform curriculum resources, online practice simulation questions and online assessment re-integration into the new module, proposed and designed instant messaging module programs to improve the user experience, the network school to play in the College's role more fully.
Key Words:network school; human-computer interaction; human interaction; assisted instruction
课程教学信息化是知识经济时代对高等教育的必要要求。目前, 以网络化、数字化、多媒体化和智能化为特征的现代信息技术在高等教育领域的广泛应用, 改变了原本教育固有的理念,将课程教育进行了全新的改革。现代的教育理念是通过网络传输和计算机作为基础的信息技术应用, 建立起校园内的信息化交互环境,即在实现高等教育的教学目标的同时,始终突出和体现信息化的活动氛围,让学生在校园中始终可以感受到信息化给生活和学习带来的丰富的资源,并可以快速解决学习中的问题,同时注重学生的思维、合作能力的提高,整体综合素质的培养。