设计内容包括: 空调冷负荷的计算;空调系统的划分与系统方案的确定;冷源的选择;空调末端处理设备的选型;风系统的设计与计算;室内送风方式与气流组织形式的选定;水系统的设计、布置与水力计算; 风管系统与水管系统保温层的设计;消声防振设计等内容。
Abstract:The graduation project designs a central air conditioning system for shanghai holiday hotel in shanghai City, so as to create a comfortable work environment for the stuff.
This building locate in shanghai, and have eight floors, the kitchen on the first floor, the restaurant on the second floor, shanghai locate in subtropics, the weather is warm and the four seasons is obvious. The sunshine and the precipitation rain fall is abundance. Due to the winter wind and the summer wind dominate the weather by turns, the air and the weather will get a obvious seasonal change. So the characteristic of the climate is that, the weather is overcast and rainy in spring, tide and hot in summer, dry in autumn, clammy in winter.
It contains: cooling load calculation; the estimation of system zoning; the selection of refrigeration units; the selection of air conditioning equipments; the design of air duct system and calculation; the estimation of air distribution method and the selection of relevant equipments; the design of water system and its resistance analysis; the insulation of air duct plant and chilled water pipes; noise and vibration control; etc.
According to some correlation standard, allow for energy safe and indoor comfort, the air condition system of the design is Fan coil units (FCUs)--fresh air system.
Key words: Hotel; Central air conditioning; Fan coil units (FCUs);fresh air system.