Abstract: This design is for changzhou luoxi hospital clean operating Department, the main content is clean air conditioning system design for operating room.Including one Ⅲ level operating room and two Ⅳ level operating room, clean corridor and complementary room,dirt corridor and complementary room,the duty room,the consultation room and Doctor's office. Ⅲlevel operating room used a purify air conditioning system alone,Two Ⅳ level operating room share a clean air-conditioning system, clean corridor and complementary room share a clean air-conditioning system, dirt corridor and complementary room share a clean air-conditioning system. the duty room,the consultation room and Doctor's office all use the Fan coil system.All clean air-conditioning system use a new air handling units to focus on. According to clean room of air quality request,adopts all-air air conditioning system,to ensure the air cleanliness.Reference "Architectural technical code for hospital clean operating department", with different cleanliness level,the operating room are chosen a return, second return air system.The specific design contents include:cooling and wetting load calculation of air condition,determination of system plan,design of airflow organization and calculation of air volume,design and calculation of air conditioningwind system,design and calculation of air conditioning water system,the selection of air conditioning equipments,the selection of humidifier,exhaust fan ,design ofinsulationand silencingvibration-proof etc.
Keywords:hospital;air conditionsystem ;Operating room;cleanliness