摘要:随着工业技术日益成熟,洗衣机在工业生产中的应用也十分广泛,开发创新出一种具有商业用途的多功能型工业大容量洗衣机。本课题在于工业用洗衣机的研究。工业洗衣机适用于洗涤棉、毛、化纤、丝绸等衣物织品,所以工业用洗衣机大量用于宾馆、饭店、医院、学校、工厂等领域,满足大容量的洗衣要求。PLC英文全称Programmable Logic Controller ,中文全称为可编程逻辑控制器,专为在工业环境应用而设计的。采用PLC 为控制核心结构合理、测试方法可靠,它具有较强的灵活性,提高了设备运行的可靠性,保证了设计的真实性,提高了劳动效率,达到了良好的经济效果。此外,PLC 可以重复使用,降低了测试经费。它的灵活性、操作方便性也方便测试者随时输入、调试和修改控制程序。PLC 又设有串行接口,方便地与计算机进行连接,组成测控系统,给系统的维护和使用带来了很大方便。本次论文设计主要是利用PLC和变频器来控制洗衣机,描述了全自动洗衣机控制系统的运作要求。实现了洗衣机由进水、洗涤、排水、脱水、报警到自动停机的循环过程。设计了相应的系统软件,结合相应的硬件连接。本次设计的具有着积极的意义,培养理论联系实际和实践动手能力,开拓了思维和创新能力,为今后从事工业控制领域奠定一定的基础。
Abstract:With the industrial technology become more sophisticated, a wide range of washing machines in the industrial production, the development of innovative multi-functional industrial capacity washing machine a commercial use. This topic is industrial washing machines. Industrial washing machine for washing cotton, wool, chemical fiber, silk clothing, textiles, industrial washing machines is used extensively for hotels, restaurants, hospitals, schools, factories, and other areas to meet the requirements of large capacity laundry. English stands for Programmable Logic Controller, PLC, Chinese full programmable logic controller, specifically designed for applications in industrial environments. The use of PLC for the control of the core structure is reasonable and reliable testing methods, it has strong flexibility, improve the reliability of the equipment to ensure the authenticity of the design, improve labor efficiency, and achieve good economic results. In addition, the PLC can be reused, reducing the funding of test. Its flexibility, ease of handling, but also facilitate the testing at any time enter, debug, and change control procedures. PLC also has one serial interface, and easily connect with the computer, composed of the measurement and control system has brought great convenience to the maintenance and use of the system. The paper design, PLC and inverter to control the washing machine, describes the automatic washing machine control system operational requirements. Washing machine by the water, washing, drainage, dewatering and alarm to the automatic shutdown of the cycle. Design of system software, combined with the corresponding hardware connection. Has positive significance for the design, training linking theory with practice and practice capability, develop thinking and innovation capability, and to lay a certain foundation for the future in the field of industrial control.
Keywords: washing machine; PLC; inverter