随着我国经济的快速增长,人民生活水平稳步提高,中国的能源消耗强度也明显增长,资源环境约束和经济快速增长的矛盾,已成为中国未来经济社会发展的严峻挑战。因而,从我国现实和长远利益考虑,必须加强建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会,特别是对于我国电力行业来说,节能降损工作显得尤为重要。由于我国的电力部门长期重发电、轻供电、忽略配电网的重要性和特殊性,导致配网系统基础薄弱,中低压配电网损耗严重。10kV 配电网是我国电网中规模最大,涉及面积最广的部分,其末端直接与用户相连,敏锐的反映用户在安全、优质、经济等方面的要求,已成为电力系统供电能力、电能质量、供电可靠性等重要指标的最终体现。但是,10kV 配电网存在许多问题,如网架结构薄弱、设备老化、无功补偿不足、电网运行管理落后等诸多因素,造成配电网损耗过大,与世界主要工业国家相比存在较大的差距。因此,节能降损在我国10kV 配电网中大有可为。而进行网损分析的最基本方法,就是配网的潮流计算。潮流计算是电力系统分析中的一种最基本的计算,它的任务是对给定的运行条件确定系统的运行状态,如各母线上的电压、网络中的功率分布及公路损耗等。本文分别介绍简单的系统和复杂度系统潮流计算的方法以及计算配电网潮流的前推回代法程序;利用潮流计算结果分析网损组成;对给定实际配电网数据分析不同类型负荷对网损的贡献。
With the rapid economic growth of China, people’s living standard improves steadily, in the meanwhile the amount of energy consumption boosts dramatically, the conflict between the limitation of energy shortage and the fast speed of economic growth has become a serious challenge to the development of Chinese economy in the future. Therefore, in consideration of the reality of our country and the long term interest, our government should build a resource -saving and environment –friendly society, especially for power sector in our country, energy saving and loss reduction become increasingly important. However, the electric utilities in our country are focus on generating electricity and pay less attention to power supply as well as neglect the importance and distinctiveness of distribution network, which leads to severe power loss in distribution system and the weakness of distribution network system’s foundation. 10kV power distribution network, the end of which connect to consumers directly, accounts for the largest proportion in Chinese power grid. This network reflects the consumers’ demands of safety and economy, and has become the most important indicator of the capacity of electric power supply, the quality of electricity and the service ability. But at the same time, there are many problems in 10kV power distribution network such as the weak network configuration, the aged equipment, the shortage of reactive power compensation and the out-dated management styles, these problems lead to the great loss in distribution network, which means our quality of electricity has great disparity compare to developed countries.the basic method for this is load flow calculation. Load flow calculation is a basic calculation in Power System Analysis. Its task is to determine the systematic operation state based on the operation conditions such as the voltage on each bus, power distribution in network and power loss. This article introduces load flow calculation about simple system and complex system respectively, and the backward forward sweep method in calculating the distribution power flow; analyzing the loss composition using the calculated results; analyzing the contribution of different types of load to power loss using the given data of distribution network.
Keyword:Falling Energy Loss , Distribution network loss , Flow calculation