摘 要:随着社会的进步和科学的发展,机器人产品在人们的工作环境中发挥着越来越重要的作用,机器人也就成为目前国内外研究的热点课题,六足爬行机器人作为机器人的一个分支,其运动具有较强的稳定性,故而在军事运输、天文探测等领域就具有重要的意义,因此在国内外六足机器人均得到了广泛的研究。针对六足爬行机器人的控制.提出了一种由PLC作为主控制器的控制方法,简述了PLC作为控制器在控制和实现过程中的优势,对系统的硬件组成作了简要的介绍.分析了系统的工作过程详细阐述了PLC的选型、各种信号的确定及I/O分配、接口的接线和PLC的编程.实验证明六足爬行机器人操作方便、性能稳定,可以弥补一些其他机器人系统安全性不高、手术效率低、维护难度大、成本高等缺陷。
Abstract: Along with the progress of the society and the development of science, robot products play an increasingly important role in people's work environment .At home and abroad robots have become the hot topic. As a branch of the robot, the movement of hexapod crawled robots has strong stability, so it has an important meaning in military transport, astronomical detection and so on, and it also has been widely applied. To control the movement of hexapod crawled robots, A proposal was presented ,in which PLC acts as a main controller. In this proposal, advantages of PLC acting as the main controller in the process of control and achieve was put forward, and the hardware composing of the system was introduced in simply, the working process was analysesd and the choice of PLC certainness of various signals was expatiated on, the inputs and outputs was distributed, the interfaces was connected and the PLC was programed. Experiment shows that hexapod crawled robots was reliable and easy to control, and it can overcome some problems of some other robots systems, such as low security, low efficiency, hard maintenance and high cost.
Keywords: hexapod crawled robots, plc(Programmable Logic Controller), control, HMI(Human–Machine Interaction)