摘 要:开关磁阻电机(SRM)作为一种新型的特种电机,以其结构简单坚固、低成本、高容错性能以及高速运行的能力,越来越广泛地应用于牵引运输、航空航天、家用电器等各个领域中,具有很大的潜力。而要对SRM进行深入的理论分析,就需要对其建立一个准确而又有实用性的模型。而开关磁阻电机调速系统(SRD)一个多变量、强耦合的非线性系统,在不同的控制方式下,其参数和结构都是变化的,这使得传统的线性控制方法(如PID 控制)难于满足SRD的动态性能要求。而MATLAB软件具有强大的矩阵和数学计算功能,利用它的模块之一SIMULINK建模有着界面友好、易于进行参数修改等特点。
关键词:开关磁阻电机 非线性系统 模糊控制技术 模糊规则 响应波形
ABSTRACT:As a new type of special motor, Switch Reluctance Machine(SRM)has great potential perspective, which has been popularized to be applied to all kind of fields, for instance, traction transport,aeronautics and astronautics,household appliances and so on. The reason why it is popular that it has many benefits, including simple and solid structure, low cost, high fault-tolerance performance and high speed operation ability. It needs to establish an accurate and practical model to make an in-depth theoretical analysis for SRM. As we all known, Switch Reluctance Drive (SRD) is a muti-variable, strong coupling nonlinear system, so its’ parameters and structure are continuous change under different control model, which is difficult to makes the traditional linear control methods (such as PID control) satisfy the dynamic performance requirement of the SRD system. However, MATLAB software has strong matrix and the mathematical calculation function, using the one of module of SIMULINK to model, which has many characteristics, such as providing friendly interface, modifying parameters easily.
As an important branch of intelligent control, Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC) shows good properties, acting on the nonlinear object controlled, by using the knowledge of people. FLC provides a method that fuzzy rules can express and control system and achieve how to control it. Many application proves that the FLC is suitable for application in SRM control, which has strong nonlinear feature.
Through MATLAB simulation analysis on the adoption of SRM applied FLC, it can get some simulated response waveforms. While there are some waveforms disaccord with theory, it can achieve the ideal response waveform by constantly adjusting the parameters of FLC.
Keywords:SRM;Fuzzy Control Technology;Fuzzy Rule;response waveform