关键词 降压变电站;电气主接线;电气设备;电气总平
Abstract:With the development of economy and the rise of modern industrial building,power supply system designs also more and more comprehensive,more systematic,plant growth rapidly,so the power quality,technical and economic conditions,power supply reliability requirements are also increasing,thus the power supply design also requires more perfect,comprehensive.The core part of the city power supply system of the substation.Therefore,the design and construction of a security,economic substation,is very important.
The substation design in addition to focus on the basic calculation of substation main wiring design, for the selection and demonstration have been fully described, its main content includes: the choice of main wiring scheme of substation, out line choice; Determination of substation main transformer number, capacity and type; calculation of short-circuit point and short-circuit current, the choice of electrical equipment (circuit breaker, isolating switch, current transformer, voltage transformer, arrester); power distribution equipment design and layout; lightning protection and grounding system design.At the same time, according to the power system related drawings drawn two drawings, includes: the main electrical wiring diagram and electrical general layout plan.
Keywords Step-down substation Main electrical connections Electrical equipment Electrical sheet arrangement