关键词 变电所;短路计算;电气设备选择;继电保护
Abstract:With the development of factory automation,power supply system becomes more and more important. It not only can guarantee normal production of the factory ,but also reduce the cost of the products, save the electrical energy and increase productivity.
The system nucleus of factory supplies power is transformer.It is very important to design and build one safe economical substation.This factory supplies power and designs including: Calculation of load and compensation of the inactive power; Transformer substation main voltage transformer platform count and capacity , sureness of pattern; Mainly wire the choice of the scheme in the transformer substation; Pass in and out the choice of the thread; Choice of shorting out and calculating and switchgear ; Two return circuit sureness and choice that relay protect of scheme exactly make; Defend the thunder and protect the design with the earth device ; The workshop distribution line connects up the sureness of the scheme. Circuit wire and distribution equipment and protecting the choice of the equipment; And the electric design that lighted, there is drawing of circuit diagram.
At the same time the design uses shunt capacitor to compensation reactive power to decrease energy losses and voltage losses in the power supply system.It can also improve the quality of the power supply voltage. So the whole design of the power supply system becomes more reliability and flexibility.
Keywords Substation Short circuit calculation Electrical equipment Relay protection