关键词 AT89C52;DS1302;DS18B20;LED数码管
Abstract:In the busy work and life, people pay more and more attention to in the concept of time. The emergence of electronic calendar can help people better use of time.
The electronic calendar design core is a single-chip microcomputer. It can display year, month, day, points, SEC, week and temperature information. The design of hardware includes the AT89C52 single chip micro-computer module and the DS1302 clock module and the digital temperature sensor DS18B20 module and the LED digital tube module. As the core of the design, AT89C52 single-chip microcomputer can work under 3 v low voltage state so that power can choose 3 ~ 5 v voltage. Clock chip DS1302 has the small error and a long service life . It can use intuitive manner at the same time shows a year, month, day, points, SEC, week and temperature information . It also has the protection function when the power supply drop. DS18B20 adopts unique single wire interface to communicate only one port pin .It has small volume and without external devices and it has a high measurement precision and the wide range and the anti-interference ability is strong. The LED digital tube costs low. When the LED digital which is using dynamic scanning is connected with single-chip computer,it takes up fewer micro-controller mouth line and it is very suitable for display number.
Keywords AT89C52 DS1302 DS18B20 digital tube