关键词 PID参数;PID控制器;PID控制;参数自整定;仿真
Abstract: The advent of PID control has been nearly 70 years of history, with its simple structure, good stability, reliable, easy to adjust and become one of the main technology of industrial control. When the structure and parameters of the controlled object can not fully grasp, or the lack of a precise mathematical model, control theory is difficult to use other techniques, the system controller structure and parameters must rely on experience and on-site commissioning to determine, when the application PID control is most convenient. That is, when we do not fully understand a system and the controlled object, or can not be an effective means of measurement to obtain the system parameters, the most suitable PID control. PID control, in practice there are PI and PD control. PID control is based on the error of the system, using a proportional, integral, differential control amount is calculated for the control.Currently PID control in industrial control systems have been witnessed, with the effect of increasing demands control, PID gradually to the development of intelligent, but all kinds of "fashionable" modern control theory ultimately derived from the classic PID PID theory.Why PID application is so wide and long-lasting? PID solution is due to the automatic control theory to solve the fundamental problem, both the stability, speed and accuracy. Adjust the PID parameters can be realized in the system is stable under the premise of both systems with the capacity and anti-interference ability, meanwhile, was introduced in the PID regulator integral term, the system adds a zero plot points, making an order or an order of more than one system, so the system step response of the steady-state error is zero.
Keywords PID parameters PID controller PID control parameter auto-tuning step Simulation