关键词 :主电网 潮流计算 调压方案
ABSTRACT:Along with the development of the industry and the increasing electricity demand of electric power system of the main grid planning is increasingly important, it was about whether the user can get reliable high-quality electricity also relationship with the development of productive forces.
This design according to the information of original data provided by the power supply, load and power balance of the geographic information accordingly, determine the voltage grade, determine power plant substation main wiring, sets and the capacity of transformer, according to the economic section choice alternatives conductor, from the aspects such as mechanical strength, carrying capacity and voltage loss conductor type is determined, and then according to the electric energy loss and line investment costs of computing and technical and economic comparison, to determine the final plan according to the final solution of power flow calculation results regulating scheme is selected. This design gives main wiring diagram and the trend of the distribution of the selected scheme.
Keywords: Main grid Power flow calculation Surge tank scheme