ABSTRACT:Regulator of the power system is relatively complex, each node in the system are not the same voltage, the voltage requirements also vary. It is not possible to adjust only one to two voltage regulator to meet the requirements, according to different situations in different nodes using different regulator.
This design is mainly for a 110KV substation voltage regulation system design, two substation load tap changer. Take transformer 35KV, 10KV, the 6KV export at the bus, at least two of the regulator by contrast, a more reasonable use. In the substation by generator voltage regulator, changing the transformer turns ratio regulator, installation of reactive power compensation device regulator, as well as to improve the line parameters regulator. Generator voltage regulator to adjust the voltage of 10KV and 6kV at the outlet; calculated by the parameters of the alternating voltage to determine the two OLTC transformer turns ratio; transformer 10KV, 35KV at the outlet installed reactive power compensation device capacitors and adjusting the camera; improved transformer 35KV line parameters at the outlet of the static capacitor in series by the end of the line voltage transmission lines. After comparison of the voltage offset size, and ultimately determine the regulator: transformer 35KV exit of series capacitor line parameters to improve the regulator; transformer 10KV at the outlet of shunt capacitors for reactive power compensation device regulator; transformer 6kv export selected at power generation The machine voltage regulation.
Keywords: power system; voltage offset; reactive power compensation; integrated regulator system