摘 要:本设计采用以低功耗单片机MSP430F149为核心,设计一种随身携带的人体健康信息采集仪器。该系统通过测量人体的温度、脉搏、血压信号,经过调理电路送入单片机,测量结果显示在LCD上,并且脉搏波形通过串口送入PC机,实时显示脉搏波形。
Abstract : This design uses the low-power microcontrollers MSP430F149 as the control core, a portable human health information acquisition apparatus is design. By measuring body temperature, pulse, blood pressure signal, the system used a conditioning circuit to input these information into the MCU, the results are showed in LCD, and the pulse wave is input into PC through the serial port, pulse waveform was real-time displayed .
The system of temperature acquisition chip used a single bus temperature sensor DS18B20, the temperature measurement precision can reaches 0.0625℃,it has the advantages of low cost, convenient installation, high reliability. The system of pulse sensor used the piezoelectric sensor of PVDF type, the sensor has a piezoelectric constant, high sensitivity and good flexibility, it had the characteristic of close to the skin, small damping, a bandwidth characteristics after processing, it can meet the frequency characteristics of pulse signal. A blood pressure sensor has an output range and good linearity characteristics which can meet the design requirements. At the same time, the system add the LCD module which has friendly help for the debugging of the system.
The experimental results show that the design has the advantages of low cost, high reliability, high measuring precision, convenient portability and other characteristics, it also has a great help for the elderly health condition monitoring.
Keyword: heartrate;temperatuer;bloodpressure;measurement; MSP430F149microcontroller