摘要:本设计是基于AT89C52单片机的切纸机控制系统。其中包括系统的总体设计、系统硬件设计、软件设计等。本设计的控制核心是C52单片机,并由单片机产生信号分别控制步进电机及LCD显示电路,可以通过键盘输入控制步进电机工作,并通过LCD显示屏显示切纸机的工作状态。硬件部分采用模块化设计,主要包括电源模块、驱动模块、显示模块。 软件部分也采用模块化设计,主要由3大模块组成:系统监控模块、键盘扫描模块及处理、显示程序模块。
Abstract: A paper cutter machine distributed control system based on AT89C52 is described in the design. It includes overall planning system design, hardware and software design, etc. This thesis introduce a system based on AT89C52 is described; the signal from AT89C52 controls the stepping motor and LCD display circuit. The data can be input with keyboard,and stepping motor is controlled by these date, and the paper cutter machine state can be showed by the LCD display. The design is written, part of the modular hardware design, power supply module, driver module and display module .Part of the modular software is designed, by the three main modules: system monitoring module, keyboard scanning and processing, display program modules.
Keywords the paper cutter machine stepping motor single chip microcomputer