关键词 485总线 ;单片机;LABVIEW;分散数据采集
Abstract:In the field of automation and control, along with the development of distributed control systems, industrial control systems, often using serial communication to achieve the purpose of remote communication. This design uses LabVIEW software, via RS-485 bus connection between master and slave have a good interactive interface, simply use two data lines can be easily formed a transmission distance, good reliability, a master and multiple slaves distributed data acquisition.This design of the sensor detection system sub-module using AT89C51microprocessor as the next-bit machine, sensor data acquisition desired target binding. At the same time,we can use the sensor in the microprocessor collect dates from the things in the outside world, in order to compensate the measurement results, the purpose of reducing the false alarm rate. Using LabVIEW to imitate software interface in the syetem PC, you can upload data, while monitoring multiple sub-modules. Data collected by the sensor, using the MAX485 module tocommunicate, the collected data to a host (computer terminal receiving end), and show the date you collected on the labview,to realize the monitor and control from the long distance
Keywords 485 bus Microcontroller LABVIEW Distributed data acquisition