本文阐述了非接触式IC卡—S50卡(Mifare1卡)的结构,组成以及MF-RC500读写技术的基本原理,并介绍了RC500芯片的读写命令字此外还对其读卡器在工程上的设计和开发作了研究。论文描述了IC卡系统的发展和现状,通过对射频识别技术原理的研究,揭示了射频IC卡系统的工作原理。介绍了Type A 型常用的卡片Mifare1 S50卡和对应读卡器的设计方法和电路 (使用专用射频读卡集成芯片RC500),并详细描述了系统各模块的组成和原理,天线参数的选择。然后根据课题要求详细介绍了Type A 型读卡器的核心部件—RC500射频模块的实现方案和具体电路。最后介绍了系统设计的软件部分,重点介绍了RC500的主要特性、寄存器,指令集,以及上位机软件与Mifare1S50卡通信的数据通信协议,实现对Mifare1卡的扇区,块等数据的读出与写入,以及密码的载入和修改。
Abstract:With micro-computer STC89C52 as controller, the radio frequency technology as core, this paper describes the system’s composition、work principle and design of hardware and software of contactless IC card read-write device base on MF-RC500 of PHILIPS Company .
This paper introduces the basic principle of the contactless IC card technology and the application of IC card reader. First the paper describes the development and the status quo of the IC cards system. Then the work principle of the radio frequency IC card system is discovered through studying the principium of the radio frequency technology. Where, the paper introduces the card MF1 IC S50 what is usually used in the cards of Type A, the design method and the circuit of the card reader device (the device use the radio frequency chip reader module RC500), and in detail analyzes the principle of every module, simply Points to the design rules of the antenna circuit. Then, the paper in detail introduces the implement project about circuit and program of the components of a Type A IC cards reader, the RF module, what is completely made by do-it-yourself. In the end, the paper introduces the software of the system, and the main property and basic instruction set of a contactless IC card reader RC500 based on Philips’MIFARE1 are introduced. And some ideals and methods of program about the basic module with data communication between the cards and RC500 are presented. Finally the two examples of program are given. The Read-Write Device is stabilized through test.
Keywords: MCU;Contactless IC Card;Read-Write Device;MF-RC500;Radio Frequency Identification;