关键词:移动机器人 超声波探测 脉宽调制 单片机
[Abstract]Robotics is a synthesis discipline which has been rapidly developing in 21st century. It concentrates the newest research results of many discipline such as mechanical engineering, electronic engineering, computer science, automatic control project as well as the artificial intelligence study and so on. It is one of the most active domains of modern science and technology.
This paper concerns the mobile robot which is one of the hot issues of robot domain. wheeled Mobile robot's motion control system which based on AT89C51 Single Chip Micyoco was introduced. Hardware and software design of this kind of wheel mobile robot was specified. The robot can detect the obstruction with a kind of ultrasonic wave transmitter, and can automatically steer clear of obstruction by computing and judging in robot's control core, and can also display the distance from obstruction. Based on PWM technology which was used to adjust velocity of the electrical motor, the robot can walk forward, walk backward, auto-stop etc. In addition, the control system was isolated from circuit completely with the electro-optical coupler in order to avoid disturbance, enhance the system’s stability.
Key words: mobile robot; ultrasonic detecting; PWM; Single Chip Micyoco