摘 要:现代舞的种类非常繁杂,舞蹈的表现手法以及创作的理念多种多样,因此,现代舞在学习的过程中,想要精通必须针对其表现手法以及创作理念进行研究和分析,学习其中的精华部分,在对舞蹈进行创作的过程中,需要吸纳积极进取的精神为核心,使舞蹈的发展方向朝先进文化前进。本文以时间为主线,主要研究了中国现代舞的起源与发展,并阐明了中国现代舞的时代精神。
关键词 中国现代舞,起源,发展,时代精神
ABSTRACT:The types of modern dance is very complex, the dance of the technique of expression and the concept of creation are diverse, as a result, modern dance in the process of learning, to master must according to the research and analysis on the technique of expression and creation concept, to learn the essence, in the process of creation of dance, need to absorb the positive enterprising spirit as the core, the dance move forward toward the development direction of advanced culture. Based on time as the main line, this paper mainly studies the origin and development of Chinese modern dance, said, at last the time spirit of the Chinese modern dance.
Key words: Chinese modern dance, Origin, Development, Spirit of the age