摘要: 蒙古人民自古以来擅长唱歌和跳舞,蒙古人们通常以舞蹈的形式来表达他们的生活,表达好感的核心。蒙古族民间舞主要的特征就是热情的、奔放的、节奏明快。蒙古族民间舞蹈的审美特征包括豪放洒脱的美、端庄典雅的美、彪悍雄健的美、深沉悲壮的美等。蒙古族民间舞蹈可以给人一种震撼人心的美感,因为它有悠久的历史、丰富多彩的舞蹈内容。因此本文通过对蒙古族民间舞蹈的历史过程、整体的动态特性和风格细致的把握,这样才能对蒙古族民间舞蹈的风格和审美特征体现的更加完美。
关键词: 蒙古族,民间舞,风格特点,审美特征
Abstract:Mongolian people since the ancient times are good, the Mongolian people like to use a song and dance to express their life, express the shepherds the good feelings. The most obvious feature of the Mongolian folk dance is the enthusiasm is bold and unrestrained, rhythm and lively. Bold and easy's beauty, grace and elegant beauty, strong powerful beauty and deep solemn and stirring beauty is the Mongolian folk aesthetic characteristics. Mongolian folk has a long history, rich and colorful, beautiful and moving, so as to give a person a kind of very strong aesthetic feeling. Thus this article from the historical origin, style characteristic of Mongolian folk dance a detailed in-depth analysis, to the Mongolian folk dance style and aesthetic characteristics more accurately.
Key words: The Mongolian, Folk, Style, Aesthetic characteristics